Neurodivergent people often see things in more existential terms.
Read MoreWhat is the impact of the neurodiversity movement on the gifted community?
Read MoreSome of the tenets of neurodiversity in education are on shifting ground.
Read MoreBefore twice-exceptionality had a name, it had an advocate. She is Dr. Susan Baum.
Read MoreCreativity: How to use it, how to sharpen it, how to teach it.
Read MoreGiftedness and twice-exceptionality are equally prevalent across all cultures, yet people of color are less often identified as gifted, and much less often identified as 2e.
Read MoreHow to handle a bully, and how to know when the bully is you.
Read MoreMany universities won’t require SAT/ACT scores for admission next year. Will this temporary suspension become permanent? Help your future student prepare for testing.
Read MoreCovid-19 has forced us to reconsider almost every aspect of our lives. Could education benefit from this self-examination?
Read MoreWe’re taking a deeper dive into dyslexia with Dr. Dan Peters from the Summit Center in California.
Read MoreThe coronavirus quarantine is considered a pre-trauma event. So, what is the actual trauma event? Christine Fonseca is our guest.
Read MoreDealing with the hassles of hunkering down.
Read MoreIs your Covid-19 quarantine calm or calamitous? We’re hunkered down but ready to help.
Read MoreChanging the way neurodiverse boys look at manhood and masculinity.
Read MorePathological Demand Avoidance is a newer concept for many in the US, but it’s old hat for Harry Thompson.
Read MoreWhat is processing speed, and why is it important? Why does it vary from child to child?
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