How do we help gifted kids direct their emotional intensity toward empathy and compassion?
Read MoreTry “Attention Divergent Hyperactive Giftedness.” What do we really understand about ADHD, and how could a fresh perspective help our kids?
Read MoreGifted kids are often ready to start school before their neurotypical peers.
Read MoreParents of gifted and 2e kids need to take better care of themselves.
Read MoreSpecial Education services can be key to the success of 2e kids.
Read MoreThat time when we realized we should question everything.
Read MoreGiftedness isn’t only about intelligence. It’s… complicated.
Read MoreSchool is hard. The social aspect of school is even more difficult for gifted and 2e kids.
Read MoreWe talk with Marc Smolowitz, who is directing a movie about gifted and talented people called “The G Word.”
Read MoreWe attempt to separate fact from fiction in the areas of education, giftedness and intelligence.
Read MoreHow important are play and unstructured free time to a child’s well-being? How can we curb the growing crisis of creativity?
Read MoreTwice-exceptional kids have challenges beyond just giftedness, so they often require educational resources schools don’t have.
Read MoreHow can we help instill qualities like tenacity and grit into our gifted children?
Read MoreIs it time to reconsider how we think of, and evaluate, intelligence?
Read MoreOne of the most important advocates in the world for gifted and talented people is the National Association for Gifted Children.
Read MoreThere is much work to be done to achieve equality of access to gifted services.
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