We’re taking a deeper dive into dyslexia with Dr. Dan Peters from the Summit Center in California.
Read MoreThe coronavirus quarantine is considered a pre-trauma event. So, what is the actual trauma event? Christine Fonseca is our guest.
Read MoreDealing with the hassles of hunkering down.
Read MoreIs your Covid-19 quarantine calm or calamitous? We’re hunkered down but ready to help.
Read MoreChanging the way neurodiverse boys look at manhood and masculinity.
Read MorePathological Demand Avoidance is a newer concept for many in the US, but it’s old hat for Harry Thompson.
Read MoreShe was in college at age 13, and is now attending law school at 17.
Read MoreShopping for high-ability kids is almost always challenging. We have some suggestions.
Read MoreParents, teachers, and counselors must promote better communication with, and between, gifted kids.
Read MoreUncertainty and doubt play a huge role in teaching kids to be more certain and less doubtful.
Read MoreWhat are the factors that influence depression? What should we watch for to know if a child is moving toward suicide? How do we talk with them about it?
Read MoreSuicide statistics, myths, and a conversation about the way forward.
Read MoreIt’s time to prepare for back-to-school, and middle school is often the hardest transition for kids.
Read MoreTry “Attention Divergent Hyperactive Giftedness.” What do we really understand about ADHD, and how could a fresh perspective help our kids?
Read MoreGifted kids are often ready to start school before their neurotypical peers.
Read MoreParents of gifted and 2e kids need to take better care of themselves.
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